It happens to the best of us.
You forget your keys in the car, and now you’re locked out. Or maybe you’ve misplaced your keys, and it looks like you won’t be getting into your home anytime soon.
These are the crises where locksmiths prove to be invaluable. But what are the skills and experience to look for in a reputable locksmith? What questions do you need to ask to make sure you hire a locksmith who can get the job done?
We’ve got you covered. Keep reading to learn five questions to ask a locksmith service before hiring them.
1. Does the Locksmith Specialize in Certain Services?
Not all locks are identical, and sometimes they require locksmiths with specialized skills.
Most locksmiths are perfectly fine for everyday types of locks, such as residential and automobile locks. But you may need a locksmith with more specialized knowledge, whether dealing with safes, motorcycles, or other kinds of locks.
That’s why it’s important to ask your locksmith if they have the skills and experience to handle your job.
2. Does the Locksmith Offer Emergency Services?
This is an important consideration since getting locked out of your car or home always seems to happen at the very worst times.
In these situations, you’ll need to find a locksmith that offers emergency services. Locksmiths often do offer these services, but you’ll have to ask to make sure. A locksmith with 24/7 service is crucial to your peace of mind.
3. What Kind of Experience Do They Have?
Don’t forget to ask about the kind of experience a locksmith has.
It’s easy to overlook this one—aren’t all locks the same? But the truth is that nowadays, locks can be much more than the simple mechanisms of yesteryear. Sophisticated computers can factor into many locks, especially for cars, but for home and safe smart locks as well.
If you need a locksmith for one of these more specialized locks, make sure your prospective locksmith has the necessary experience.
4. Have Their Technicians Been Properly Screened?
It’s important to know whether a locksmith company employs screened and vetted technicians.
The best locksmith service will perform background checks and drug screens of everyone they hire. Furthermore, locksmiths should always present correct identification and arrive in a work truck or van that bears the company’s logo.
5. Do They Offer Guarantees?
Finally, before you hire a locksmith, ask about what guarantees they offer.
Many experienced locksmiths offer different kinds of warranties, covering the parts used or the actual work involved. And ask about the warranty’s coverage period also. The standard is typically for a minimum of thirty days.
The Best Locksmith Near Me
You don’t have to settle for just any locksmith that comes around.
When you’re hiring a local locksmith, remember to ask these five questions prior to making any agreements. Find the right fit for your budget and the kind of service you need.
Are you in need of a locksmith service? Go ahead and contact us today at Aegis Locksmiths. Our professional locksmiths have long experience, and we offer the most reliable 24-hour locksmith service in Edmonton.